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Updated: Jul 3, 2020

Achaar is defined as a pickle food. During my interview with Dr. Nikita Patel I learned about achaar mango which is something her mom made. She expressed to me she didn’t eat it because it can affect her Pitta state. Here is an Indian style achaar mango there are others of course many other ways of doing it this is just one.

According to Ayurveda I am high Pitta dosha type so I decided to make my version of a cooling achaar mango. In order to achieve this I used ingredients that are Pitta friendly. Here are the ingredients I used:

  1. Bacopa powder

  2. Cinnamon powder

  3. Turmeric powder

  4. Licorice powder

  5. Coconut oil

  6. Apple Cider Vinegar

  1. Why Bacopa? Because according to Banyan Botanicals it is good for Pitta in a calming affect.

  2. Cinnamon a decent amount not too much. I choose this because it helps with the ama (digestive toxins)

  3. Turmeric over good for any inflammation in the body. Some believe turmeric is heating spice but it can also became helpful for your ama.

  4. Licorice not my favorite but I guess its because I am Pitta. However, I do use because of the cooling affect for Pitta and helps a lot with the nerve system which I need.

  5. Coconut Oil is the ideal oil for Pitta therefore it is my go to! Very cooling!!!

  6. Apple Cider Vinegar not suggested for Pitta however I was not going to use white vinegar for pickling my mango that said. I did have to dilute it a lot with water.

So the process is very simple I used coconut oil and everything listed above just not the vinegar just yet. Mixed it together in a bowel. In very low heat I use saucepan just to mix and let oil penetrate a bit. Then I let mango slices cool a couple of hours when they were cool. I took a glass jar with apple cider vinegar and water then add the mango slices. You can pickle them out of the fridge or in the fridge (I prefer in). That is it. I really enjoy the mango slices with rice. This my own recipe for fun.

If you want to know more about Dr.Nikita Patel and our interview take a listen here:

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