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Empath Coach Natalie Clare

This is a semi-intro to my latest podcast with Natalie Clare.

Marina, Host of PeaceLearnHealth: Can you tell us about yourself?

Natalie Clare: Thanks for having me on your podcast Peace Learn Health .I'm an empath , Reiki Master, Intuitive as well as a certified trauma support specialist .I've definitely explored a lot of different facets of spirituality and healing. I really pull from what people need within my business , my private sessions and my courses. I really love supporting people on their journeys. I work through their inner child as well as helping them to connect with their body through healing the nervous system. I have been on this journey for about eight years now and started when I was in college when I realized that I was also intuitive and I was tapping into other people's energy . My aunt was a Reiki master who lives in New Hampshire and before the internet she would have people come from all over .She introduced me to working with angels and working with reiki ( that magical space).

Marina: Can you tell us about the work you do with empaths and highly sensitive people…

Natalie Clare: Yes, of course with my private sessions I have worked with people really in-depth typically people find me when they're in a pretty low space .Some cases where people can barely get out of bed or they just like are so overwhelmed. Sometimes they're so done with with how they've been operating in their life and they really are out of place so they might come to me to open up with their healing.I love to hold the vision for people's healing because I have gone through it on a personal level and become someone that I never knew that I could be as far as you know overcoming my depression and finally being in a place of peace. I've also witnessed people in my life who have struggled with severe mental health issues and friends . It’ s amazing how I have been about to support them on their journey. On a personal level having that hope and seeing them come out of it. Sometimes when people are in the thick of anxiety or that looming feeling over their life that feels like it's so heavy and they can't see that light out of the tunnel. I feel like I hold space and vision for that person in that time of need.So intuitively I might say:

What is your soul calling for?

How can I support you?

Maybe support them through reiki or intuitive messages or simply being present with whatever is raising for that person and allowing that to unlock something within them. I find that when people just step into a space where they feel unconditional love then they can open up and release however they need to release . Then they can kind of have that experience letting the energy move through them however, it needs to move and being guided by their own spirit.

Marina:WOW! That sounds amazing. Can you tell us a little bit more about your health journey and what you did to overcome ?

Natalie Clare: When I struggle with depression, I remember I went about 8 years ago to get my first reading . I was still struggling with self-harm and she pulled a card of the world and she was like ,“ wow you're really meant to make a difference in this world” .

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