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Black to Grounding

Back when I started to podcast I remember when I was talking to one of my first guest on my podcast that my feet were in pain ( mostly my heels).

I do not always wear the same shoes and like switching them and eventually I found that I needed a bigger heel. However, I am not going bore you with my shoes and my heel issues I had ( I promise). So for anyone who loves learning about chakras you know the root chakra is the foundation. The root chakra is also know as Muladhara which is basic chakra which is idea of how we all need water and food to survive. However, my personal belief is that the root chakra is important because we should ground ourselves. If you see the image of this blog the ground is cracked and does not look like a stable foundation even through its still there. I truly believe the best way to ground ourselves is by being with nature, but what if you don't have that option then what? You can do something simple like walking bare foot. Something that I recently found out is smelling cloves because it is believed that the smell gives you a sense of security and new energy awakes you too. It is also believed if you do LAM mantra or simply doing a grounding meditation can help. One of the best ways to open your root chakra is by gratitude. Do you have a gratitude journal? I personally don't but I am grateful for small things. So many of you know I am on going journey of self-improvement and I have grown to love my crystal/stones as much as next person over time. Recently I finally bought a big black tourmaline stone and I am very happy this is grounding stone and it is a very powerful protection stone too. Another root chakra stone is red jasper which is one of my favorite stone something about this stone speaks to me and truly believe it is because it is meant to balance you. What helps you feel grounded?

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